Need to reschedule or cancel service(s) you ordered? Please use this cancellation form.
Have a question or inquiry?
Please fill out the form below, and one of our Pandas will get in contact with you.
Alternatively, you can email us at Thank you!
(For users that use the following email domains:,, - we highly recommend using an alternative such as,,, your custom email etc. to communicate with us so that we can ensure that emails are being sent and received appropriately)
If you have not received an email back from us after 24 hours, please check your spam folder.
Virtual Staging Order Form
We highly recommend emailing us first before calling, this is to ensure we get your request or inquiry into our ticketing system and the entire team has visibility. We generally get to email’s much faster than by phone. Our staff do not take order requests over the phone, they will direct you to fill out an order form, however, they will be happy to explain any packages/services we offer as well walk you through the ordering process.
We are open 7 days a week.
Limited availability on weekends, please book 48 hours in advance.
Best way to get in contact with us?
Email: 24/7/365
Our phone lines are open from:
M - Thurs: 9am-4pm
Fri: 9am-2pm
Sat: Email Only
Sun: Email Only
Toll Free: 1 (833) 929-2661
Office: (647) 372-2016
Need to reschedule or cancel service(s) you ordered? Please use this cancellation form.